Hi! We intuitively know that being outdoors makes us feel better, but why is that so? There are in fact a host of health benefits we experience when we expose ourselves to nature.
This is the first in a series of posts that discuss this topic, and the variety of ways that simply spending time outdoors can help you boost your health.
Part 1.
Vitamin D production
When our skin is exposed to sunlight, our bodies do something miraculous. UV-B light is absorbed by the skin, and it produces previtamin D3, which can be stored in your fat cells. When needed, it is transformed through several steps to become the vitamin D bodies need. Typically, 80% of vitamin D is produced in this way. While supplements can help provide D3, there are many by-products of our body’s natural D3 production, and these cannot be replicated through supplements. The liver, kidneys, and cholesterol play crucial roles in converting the stored D3 into active vitamin D, which is actually a steroid hormone, critical to our health; especially our immune function. Other benefits:
an antioxidant
has neuro-protective qualities
enhances muscle function
provides for calcium and phosphorus absorption (which in turn are required for bone health - your body can only absorb calcium when Vitamin D is present)
and so much more … every cell in our body has a Vitamin D receptor!
(I realize there is a fear of too much sun exposure, but exposure during less intense periods can help maximize D3 production without burning the skin.)
Vitamin D production is probably one of the more known benefits, but understanding the complex, yet beauty workings of our bodies, and how simple things make such a difference is part of what I love sharing with others.
Check back next week for part 2 in my series and discover more of what the joy of the outdoors brings!